Chatgpt Vs Google Bard | Which One Is Better?

by zeeshan
Chatgpt Vs Google Bard

The field of artificial intelligence has been enjoying all the glory in recent years due to the progress in natural language processing models. The potential for automation and personalized communication is at its peak with the inception of AI-powered chatbots specialized in generating AI content.

AI-generated content has been enjoying the limelight for the past few months and the release of groundbreaking natural language processing (NLP) models like OpenAI’s ChatGPT is creating a wave of sensation and hype around the world.

ChatGPT has become an internet sensation since its release and to answer this AI-powered chatbot and maintain its supremacy in search engine race, Google has counter-attacked the OpenAI’s vicious attack by announcing their generative  AI chatbot which is named Google Bard.

These advanced language models like ChatGPT and Google Bard are doing wonders in recent times and essentially being sophisticated language models, both are great at producing AI generative text. Although these advanced language models use Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) algorithms to generate predictive and factual tests that are not pre-written, there are considerable differences between the two in terms of their functionality, training, capabilities, and applications.

If you are wondering about the differences between the two and want to know which one is better then you are at the right place here I’m going to share my expert opinion as a digital marketing expert. After comparing these two AI generative models on various user prompts, I have compiled this extensive review guide.

In this blog post, I’ll explore the differences between ChatGPT and Bard, and will help you understand “how to choose the right language model for your needs”.

What Is Chatgpt?

ChatGPT is an advanced language model using a deep learning model based on Transformer Architecture that is essentially a natural language processing (NLP) model generating AI-powered text data.

The best thing about this AI deep learning model is that it is designed as an unsupervised language model capable of operating without human assistance or supervision. This means that ChatGPT can learn from its user input data and usage history to define future use. Due to this unsupervised operation, it can develop a rich understanding of human language to generate rich human-like responses to user prompts and queries.

OpenAI which is a San Francisco-based artificial intelligence research Centre owned by OpenAI Inc., created ChatGPT. ChatGPT is initially trained with a substantial database of internet text data gathered from multiple online and offline sources including websites, message boards, and chat logs.

Since its earliest models GPT 1 and onwards, ChatGPT has undergone many improvements and refinements since its release in the earlier days.

The latest version of ChatGPT is operated by the GPT4 which is the most sophisticated language model created to date. ChatGPT 3 and ChatGPT 4 are the two ongoing models used by over 100 million users and are making groundbreaking changes in the field of generative AI content.

Users across the globe are making use of the GPT 3 and GPT 4 models to write newsletters, and essays, create outlines for their academic assignments, generate ideas for the latest articles, and many other content-creation ideas that are seeing the light of the day thanks to the predictive text modeling of the sophisticated natural language processing of OpenAI deep learning algorithms.

ChatGPT coming as an advanced language model, offers a wide range of uses and applications such as being used as a chatbot for providing automated customer services to businesses and small startups, or it may be used for content creation, and many other purposes. It is capable of comprehending and producing text in a wide variety of writing styles and tones.

For instance, you can customize the user prompts for ChatGPT to generate text in various tones such as for persuasive, creative, or informational writing. The most common applications of ChatGPT to date are:

  • Writing codes
  • Writing product description
  • Generating outlines for blog posts or writing them
  • Providing summaries of transcripts, podcasts, or meeting minutes
  • Explain complex topics in simple passages
  • Provide briefing on legal matters
  • Generate translations of the provided text
  • Write compelling ad copy or write social media posts
  • Create poems. Jokes or memes etc.

ChatGPT can write convincing essays and write assignments on behalf of students. This is the reason why many experts are raising questions about the ethical use of ChatGPT and the ongoing debate is doing nothing else than adding a few hundred more users to the already millions of users within few months.

Even though ChatGPT has a lot of benefits, it is a generative AI software and thus comes with its pros and cons. The most noticeable drawbacks to ChatGPT are, for instance, its incapacity to comprehend comedy, idioms, or sarcasm.

What Is Google Bard?

The hype and sensation of ChatGPT is not a hidden matter as everyone is thrilled or I should rather say amazed by the capabilities and applications of ChatGPT making it the fastest-growing AI technology.

This rapid growth and expansion of AI and ChatGPT is particularly endangering the supremacy of Google over search engines and therefore, as a response to the OpenAI’s AI software, Google has released its natural language processing (NLP) model for generating AI texts to be used by content creators and common internet users alike.

Google Brad is the latest AI generative tool released by Google based on Google’s Language Model for Dialogue Applications (LaMDA). Unlike ChatGPT relying on predictive equation modeling, Google’s Bard will use the internet and Google’s data to give responses to user queries and prompts.

Google Bard is currently in the Beta testing model and is focused on providing simple answers to user questions in a chat window like chatbots instead of going with comprehensive search engine result pages. Although the user’s prompts will lead to simplified versions of answers, Google Bard will add specific URLs as references to dedicated information for relevant details.

Bard is not just designed as a writing assistant but it will go the extra mile for its user to act as a personal AI assistant booking tickets, planning vacations, finding accommodation and reservations or even helping with your meal plans. It is overall, your online assistant that is ready to take commands from you and provide you with instant solutions.

Like ChatGPT, Bard is an advanced language model based on the Transformer architecture but the difference between the two lies in their training methodology.

ChatGPT is an unsupervised model while Google has created Bard as a supervised language model, which means that it is trained on a specific set of data that is carefully curated and labeled by human experts to generate specific responses to user queries and prompts. Therefore, Bard is expected to produce factual results with expertise in various fields such as finance, law, medicine, etc.

Bard was developed by Google specifically to address the limitations of unsupervised language models like ChatGPT which leads to predictive text that is far from reality and based on history of use by a user.

Supervised language training models like Bard, on the other hand, can learn from human experts and provide more specialized and accurate responses that are based on facts and can be considered expert opinions and not just predictive AI text. Bard is an epitome of precision and accuracy in generative AI models and can be used in various areas of expertise such as in the legal and medical industry.

As a supervised model, Bard also has its fair share of drawbacks and limitations. The most significant of its shortcomings is its incapacity to think beyond the box or I should rather say come up with innovative or predictive data. Since it is trained on a specific set of data, Bard may struggle to understand texts or words that fall outside of its domain expertise.

Another big limitation to Bard as an AI tool is that it requires significant human input and duration to be effective as it cannot operate effectively without human supervision.

Chatgpt Vs Google Bard: What’s The Difference?

While both
ChatGPT and Bard, both are advanced language models specializing in generating human-like responses to a wide range of user prompts and queries. Users can hold meaningful conversations with these chatbots to have in-depth information on a wide array of topics. Although the application and purpose of the creation of these language models are the same, there are some significant differences in their training data and capabilities.

ChatGPTs can understand a wider variety of language styles and contexts, and is, therefore, ideal for applications like chatbots, content generation, and customer service automation. In contrast, Bard specializes in particular areas of expertise with precision and accuracy, such as law or medicine, making it ideal for specialized applications like contract analysis or medical diagnosis.

Therefore, it is important to consider the specific needs of your application, when choosing the right language model for you.

A few of the most noticeable differences between the two generative AI models lie in the following passages.

Language Models:

  • ChatGPT is an unsupervised generative AI tool using a large language model developed by the OpenAI laboratory. This advanced language model is the Generative Pre-trained Transformer. Depending on the version of ChatGPT, the model may be using GPT 3 or GPT 4 as its language processing model.
  • Bard, in contrast, is a supervised generative AI tool using the language model developed by Google namely Google’s Language Model for Dialogue Applications. (LaMDA).

Data Source:

  • ChatGPT is trained on a massive dataset obtained from crawling on the internet, Wikipedia, Books, articles, documents, etc. It also has text scrapped from open internet sources up till 2021 when its training was completed. Therefore, ChatGPT has access to all internet data before 2021 but it has limited information on world events and research that occurred after 2021.
  • Bard, in contrast, is trained on Infiniset using Wikipedia, Common Crawl, web data, conversations and dialogues available on the web, documents, articles, books, etc. Bard will conduct a real-time search to come up with the most accurate and relevant answers to the inquiries users had input in its search tab.

Pricing And Access:

  • ChatGPT is a free AI software that is accessible to all for free if used as a GPT3 version. This means that all ChatGPT 3 users can have infinite access to user prompts and queries on ChatGPT 3 for free. ChatGPT 4 users, however, are charged for the premium version of the ChatGPT Plus model. The monthly billing for this Plus version is 20 USD to date and this gives users premium benefits like access during peak times when ChatGPT is at capacity. The ChatGPT Plus also includes faster responses and many premium features that are only available to GPT 4 users.
  • Bard is a completely free software that is accessible in its entirety to the users who have access to its use. This means that if you can use Bard, you will not face any restrictions on its access to premium features. The only restriction here is that Bard is still in Beta mode and made available to users in UK and US only.

Future Developments:

Within a few months, the generative AI field has seen a new horizon and broke records for all previous AI software and tools. Millions and millions of users are signing up for these amazing AI tools to have their jobs done with precision, accuracy, and ease.

Natural language processing is rapidly evolving and there is no stopping, within a few months of the GPT 3 release, OpenAI launched its most advanced GPT4 processing model which is four times more capable than their earlier model and this means the future of the generative AI industry is brightest ever. As the field continues to evolve and expand, we can expect to see significant advances in both ChatGPT and Bard.

Researchers are investigating innovative methods such as zero-shot and few-shot learning which might allow these advanced language models to pick up new skills and domains with comparatively little training data. Future developments with language models might also be much more organic and intuitive because of the developments in augmented reality and speech recognition fields.

My Final Thoughts:

In conclusion, ChatGPT and Bard are both advanced language models offering many miraculous perks and privileges to internet users but has their specific shortcomings. The benefits and capabilities of the two competing generative AI models are somewhat similar with a few contrasting factors.

The main difference between the two, however, remains in the supervision. ChatGPT is an unsupervised language model that can perform optimally without any kind of human involvement but Google Bard is a supervised model in need of specific human assistance and supervision. Google Bard is, therefore, a specialized domain of knowledge while ChatGPT is an innovative and creative rendezvous where you can come up with novel ideas and solutions to your queries.

To know what suits your needs best, you must understand what you require from these generative AI tools. If you are someone looking for creative text for your essay or an innovative poem, ChatGPT is the best way out for you as it will create something that is not already published across the web. But if you are someone breaking the web to find relevant information about a phenomenon or an event, Bard may be the best option for you as it will generate accurate and relevant information.